Bridging Dichotomies

30 Jul , 24Bridging Dichotomies

In the newest episode of Artize Artboard Season 2, architect Akshat Bhatt reveals how diverse elements and thoughtful design can create spaces that are both functional and profoundly resonant with India’s heritage In the bustling heart of Delhi, a city steeped in history and cultural richness, architect Akshat Bhatt finds his canvas. As the founder of Architecture Discipline, Bhatt’s work is a testament to the harmonious blend of tradition and innovation, creating spaces that resonate with both the spirit of India’s past and the dynamism of its future. In the latest episode of Artize Artboard Season 2, Bhatt invites us into his world, where the beauty of dichotomies fuels his creative process and architectural expression.

Bhatt brings to life the series’ dedication to showcasing India’s architectural heritage through the lens of contemporary design. This season of Artize Artboard continues to spotlight how India’s profound cultural and natural landscapes are a paramount source of inspiration for architects and interior designers. Bhatt’s episode explores his unique approach to crafting spaces that merge tradition with innovation, embodying the essence of Artize’s ‘Born From Art’ philosophy.

“India’s dichotomies are what truly captivates me,” Bhatt begins, reflecting on the country’s everchanging landscapes. “One day you see lush greenery, and the next, it’s a stark, barren expanse. Both possess a stoic beauty.” This observation forms the crux of Bhatt’s architectural philosophy—celebrating contrasts and weaving them into cohesive, dynamic spaces. Growing up in Delhi, Bhatt was surrounded by the grandeur of archaeological monuments. These ancient structures, coupled with the city’s vibrant tapestry of music, dance, and tactile culture, influenced his vision. “If you’re inspired by just one thing, you become a derivative. But when you draw from a multitude of sources, you become an original,” he muses.


For Bhatt, architecture transcends mere aesthetics. “It’s not about materiality or fancy textures. Architecture is about creating spaces with spirit and a heart,” he asserts. His designs strive to champion a progressive India, a philosophy that is embodied in his approach to creating an open, collaborative environment. In his latest project, Bhatt employed a blend of construction techniques to infuse the space with its own narrative. By offsetting steel beams from brick piers and using a traditional tokuri slab—a stone slab supported by small steel joists—he achieved a dissonant rhythm that keeps the occupants connected to the outside world while fostering a sense of interior calm. “You want to be in, yet remain connected to the outside,” he explains. This delicate balance reflects his belief in the importance of mental well-being within any space, be it a home or a workspace. In today’s fast-paced, digitally connected world, the longevity and wellness of a space’s inhabitants are paramount to Bhatt’s design ethos.


A profound alignment exists between Bhatt’s design principles and the innovative solutions provided by Artize. In this project, he integrates the Oxypool by Artize, a product designed to enhance the well-being of its users by treating water in a way that rejuvenates and revitalises. “Artize’s Oxypool resonates with our commitment to well-being,” Bhatt notes. “It’s a phenomenal achievement to create a space that not only serves its functional purpose but also promotes health and tranquillity.”


Artize Oxypool embodies sophisticated wellness at its finest. Its delicately charged micro oxygen bubbles engage with your skin, gently reversing the signs of ageing and damage. By boosting collagen production, Oxypool by Artize is first of its kind and nurtures a smooth, hydrated texture, offering a luxurious skincare experience. The integrated chromo-therapy promotes relaxation and enhances melatonin production, delivering unparalleled stress relief and revitalised energy.

Bhatt advocates for the use of locally sourced materials to create spaces that are intrinsically connected to their environment. “The simplest way to create a space unique to the Indian context is to use materials available around you,” he advises. This approach ensures that each project is not only sustainable but also deeply rooted in the cultural and physical landscape it inhabits.

In this episode of Artize Artboard Season 2, Bhatt’s work stands as a beacon of how traditional Indian elements can be reinterpreted to create innovative, meaningful spaces that celebrate India’s rich heritage and its vibrant, progressive future.